Novice Driver Information
Following are items that will help you enjoy your first Autocross. You will be competing in the Novice class against other drivers that are novices. Your aim is to enjoy competing in your car and to have fun.
Driver Registration
You and any guest(s) must sign the insurance waiver. You will be given a wrist band to wear showing that you have signed the waiver.
You need to present a valid drivers license issued by your state of residence.
Pay your entry fee.
Fill out the top of your score card (print legibly) and place it under your windshield wipers.
Your Car
Empty your trunk, the spare tire and jack must be secure or removed.
Remove any loose items from the interior of the car.
Remove your trim rings/hub caps
Make sure that your battery is secured.
Safety Inspection
After you have done the above proceed with your car to the Tech Inspection area where they will check your car for safety items.
The Course
After you are done with the Safety Inspection you are free to walk the course so that you know where it goes from start to finish. The course is laid out with pylons (cones) and you are to drive through the gates or around single pylons.
Drivers Meeting
There will be a Drivers Meeting before the first car runs. At that time the Event Chairman will explain how the event will be run.
If you have any questions or don't understand something this is the time to speak up.
Working the Course
All entrants are required to work on the course during the time that your group is not competing. You will also gain knowledge on how to drive the course besides being part of the event.
Driving the Course
Do your best to drive through the course. Drive smoothly as you will have more runs in which you can improve your times.
If for some reason you get lost on the course be sure to ask another driver who has driven the course without error to help you figure out where you went wrong.
Most importantly, have fun!
At the end of the event awards will be presented, make sure you stay for that.